As the primary voice of black solicitors in England and Wales, BSN is committed to achieving equality of access, retention, and promotion for black solicitors and those aspiring to join the legal profession.
BSN’s national membership now stands at circa. 5,000 and continues to grow. An inclusive rather than exclusive network, our reputation is such that we attract and welcome members from across the cultural and diversity spectrum.
BSN’s mission and offering to its membership and stakeholders are achieved through an extensive programme of initiatives and events including:
- BSN’s active participation in consultations initiated by The Law Society, the Solicitors Regulation Authority and other regulatory, parliamentary and government bodies relating to matters affecting BAME lawyers (e.g. Ethnicity Pay Gap reporting, SQE, SRA Handbook and roundtables on BAME representation and diversity)
- BSN student initiatives, such as our ‘Grassroots’ programme – Careers Workshops and internship opportunities
- The ‘BAME Student Guide’ publication for undergraduates
- BSN’s Junior Lawyers’ Group which focuses on connecting junior BAME lawyers for relationship building and providing a forum for support, inspiration and guidance
- BSN City’s ‘Creating Pathways’ which is an annual mentoring and sponsorship programme for 2-6 PQE BAME lawyers (www.creatingpathways.co.uk)
- Professional / career development and role model seminars and dinner events
- Networking events, including high profile Black History Month events
- BSN Jobs Board: online platform for jobs and career opportunities from employers who want to reach a diverse pool of talent (www.jobs.blacksolicitorsnetwork.org)1
- BSN’s Diversity League Table/Study – diversity survey report of leading firms in the UK covering gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disabilities. This report offers case study, editorial, sponsorship and advertising opportunities in both print and digital formats (https://www.blacksolicitorsnetwork.co.uk/the-findings/)
- BSN’s annual flagship gala event featuring the UK Diversity Legal Awards (www.diversitylegalawards.org)
- BSN Connect: an online directory for black and minority ethnic focused
Working in partnership with our supporters and members, BSN creates and delivers this comprehensive range of initiatives which contribute to ensuring that our members are supported at all stages of their career and professional development.
BSN, continually engages with law firms, chambers, institutions and professional bodies in driving our respective diversity agendas forward and provides thought leadership on D&I best practice to the legal profession. In June 2020, BSN penned an Open Letter to the legal profession following global anti-racism protests to encourage meaningful and tangible change on racial diversity in the sector: https://www.blacksolicitorsnetwork.co.uk/bsns-open-letter-a-call-to-action-for-racial-diversity/.
Join us
As BSN continues to grow and support an increasing number of people, we are keen to establish partnerships with organisations who, like us, see the importance and benefit of, and are committed to furthering, diversity and inclusion in the legal profession and beyond.
As a Corporate Member of BSN, you will be actively and publicly contributing towards the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda. We strive to ensure that the initiatives and services we offer remain accessible to those who need them most. We cannot do our vital work without the support of our Corporate Members.
In recognition of your support, you will be recognised as one of our Corporate Members on the homepage of BSN’s website, with a featured listing (with click through to your website): http://blacksolicitorsnetwork.co.uk. You will therefore benefit from publicised affiliation with BSN, one of the UK’s largest networks of BAME lawyers.
In addition, you will also benefit from having:
- your logo included on relevant email campaigns to the BSN membership which comprises circa. 5,000 members; and
- access to BSN’s extensive programme of events and initiatives, in particular, attendance at our events by an unlimited number of members of your BAME/Multi-cultural Employee Network (subject to availability).
Please contact us at enquiries@blacksolicitorsnetwork.org to discuss fees.
If you wish to become a Corporate Member, please e-mail us at enquiries@blacksolicitorsnetwork.org with your approved logo for use on the BSN website and your organisation’s payment information (including standard payment terms) to allow us to raise an invoice to your organisation.
The Corporate Membership period will last for 12 months commencing on the date of the invoice.
If you have any other queries about our Corporate Membership offering, please email enquiries@blacksolicitorsnetwork.org.