Facebook/BSN: Tech Career Experiences Through a Legal Lens | event snippets (1)
Following this successful event on 3 March 2021, we are sharing sharing snippets of the advice given by our fantastic panellists. Today we share Geofrey Banzi’s valuable and practical advice on preparing for a career in legal tech.
The resources detailed below are hyperlinked for ease of access.
- Show an interest in your journey: if you’re doing a dissertation, use it as an opportunity to showcase your interest in legal tech or tech. Explore exciting opportunities, threats and challenges relating to legal tech and look to its future; show yourself as an expert. If you’re completing the LPC, get involved with legal tech initiatives e.g. Legal Hackers who host events regarding access to justice and other topics, and also hold hackathons, e.g. sponsored by BT, Bupa and other leading employers.
- Be engaged with the news and educational resources: some examples are the Artificial Lawyer, Wired Brief (Geof’s own platform) and The Legal Technologist. This aspect is very important in a fast-changing sector such as tech which is constantly evolving. Geof suggests reading ‘Tomorrow’s lawyers‘ and ‘Online Courts and the Future of Justice‘ by Richard Susskind who is an expert in law and tech. Geof’s personal favourite book is ‘A Legal Theory for Autonomous Artificial Agents‘, by Samir Chopra and Laurence F. White which is great for understanding the legal and philosophical debate around regulating fully autonomous systems – it helped Geof to write his undergraduate dissertation ‘Regulating Autonomous Vehicles in the UK‘ and a published book titled ‘Regulating Driverless RTAs‘.
- Network, network, network: engage on LinkedIn, find a mentor – reach out to people and take a chance.
Thank you Geofrey for your valuable insights!