BSN Connect – the online directory of BME legal service providers. Join today!

In the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests over the summer, many organisations have pledged to recruit and promote more Black and minority ethnic (BME) talent, engage BME talent on their mandates and support and use BME-owned businesses as suppliers.
As we all know, there is a wealth of talent in the BME legal and business community and the strength of our connectivity allows us to seize opportunities as and when they arise and, equally important, share opportunities within the community.
It is in this spirit that the Black Solicitors Network (BSN) is delighted to announce the launch of our national online directory of BME solicitors, law firms, barristers, chambers and suppliers to the profession (including diversity consulting, coaching, IT, wealth management etc): BSN Connect.
BSN Connect is a gateway to receiving and sharing opportunities, information, advice and connections among lawyers and legal suppliers. This portal aims to be a one stop resource for organisations and individuals seeking legal, advisory or consultancy services from the BME legal and business community.
As the primary voice of black solicitors in England and Wales, BSN is committed to promoting and championing the interests and achievements of its members. This includes supporting the economic growth and empowerment of BME-led organisations and legal professionals.
BSN invites BME solicitors, barristers, law firms, chambers and BME-led businesses (of any size) as well as suppliers to the legal profession to support this initiative by listing on BSN Connect. Subscription listing is FREE for the first 3 months and thereafter will be only £45 p.a. Listing your details is straightforward – visit BSN Connect, click on ‘Add Your Listing’ and upload your contact information.
Promote and share your specialism, expertise and services with and through BSN Connect by signing up today. By signing up, your expertise and specialism will be shared widely across the profession (including BSN’s 5000 members) through our regular media campaigns which will amplify and grow your profile and offering. If you require assistance with your listing or have any queries regarding BSN Connect, please do contact us at and we will respond as soon as possible.
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