BSN City Group and JLG: Connecting across the distances

Connecting across the distances is now more important than ever. While social distancing has affected BSN City Group’s programme of events for 2020, we are looking to organise events and webinars to support our members working remotely.
In these challenging times, BSN City group recognises the importance of coming together as a community. We cannot underestimate how recent events are affecting our lives, in particular, our work environment: remote working arrangements imposed by the lockdown, the impact of COVID-19 on our community, the brutal murder of George Floyd and worldwide anti-racism demonstrations.
As highlighted by our recent public statement, we continue to be committed to fight for race equality and a level playing field for all:
– Read and share our statement on our website
– Read and share our statement on LinkedIn
We would like to hear from our members on these issues and their impact for you individually, collectively and for the profession.
The BSN City Group (in collaboration with BSN’s Junior Lawyers Group) is organising limited virtual discussion group sessions, each of which will be led by a senior lawyer (either from in-house or private practice). These sessions will be open to our members who are 2PQE to 7PQE and who want to share and discuss their experiences, challenges and concerns around these issues and developments and their impact.
If you are 2PQE to 7PQE, working in private practice or in-house, and would like to attend one of these sessions, please click here to register your interest by 30 June 2020.
Subject to availability, you will receive an email to confirm your registration to attend one of these sessions. There are limited spaces available and we may not be able to register everyone for a session.
If you have any queries regarding these events, please contact us at