
From the president: Week beginning 20 May 2013

Lord Chancellor meeting On Monday 20 May, a further 25 practitioners went to the House of Commons to meet Chris Grayling to talk about the government’s proposals for price-competitive tendering (PCT). While it is clear that Grayling is wedded to a form of PCT, there does seem to be a slight shift in attitude towards…


A letter from the BSN Chair

Dear Colleague I write to urge you to take part in the forth-coming election of Council members to the Law Society Council and please vote for me. I was admitted in 1995 and have been a member of Council since 2005. I lobbied for BSN obtaining recognised group status whilst a member of the Law…


A European perspective

The European Judicial Training Network, EJTN provides training programmes with a European dimension delivered in the form of study visits and country exchanges, the English language exchange taking place in Romania. Last summer I attended a 2 day study visit at the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg. Also taking part was…


From the president: Week beginning 7 May 2013

Week beginning: 7 May Meetings at the Ministry of Justice We had two important meetings with the Ministry of Justice this week. The first was my regular biannual catch-up with the secretary of state. Given recent events, we focused entirely on legal aid reform. I made it clear to the minister that the Law Society…


BSN City Group Newsletter – May 2013

Bloomberg TV – Legal Business Development As part of our aim to bring you news of specific interest to City lawyers, BSN City Group is delighted to bring you an insightful news item broadcast recently on Bloomberg TV, featuring an interview with Trevor Faure, Global Leader & Partner, Legal Services with Ernst & Young. A…